Für alle deutschsprachige haben wir wieder den Blog auf Deutsch. Also heute war Eisenstadt dran. Jeder der nicht wissen würde dass Eisenstadt die Hauptstadt von Burgenland ist würde Eisenstadt als ein Dorf bezeichnen. Das ist vielleicht ein bisschen übertrieben, doch man könnte es fast meinen. Umgeben von Geschäften, Weinberge und Bäumen ist Eisenstadt ein schöner Ort.
Today we left behind the big-city trappings of Vienna and discovered the small-country charm of Eisenstadt. The capital of Burgenland, one of the provinces of Austria, is a quaint city with many old buildings. Burgenland itself has a very mild climate and it is very well-known for its vineyards and rolling hills. We even found banana trees growing near the Castle garden! People can tour from vineyard to vineyard wine-tasting. We opted to skip that this time! ;-) Wikipedia describes Eisenstadt saying " It has a population of about 14,241 (2016). In the Habsburg Empire's Kingdom of Hungary, Kismarton (Eisenstadt) was the seat of the Eszterházy Hungarian noble family. The composer Joseph Haydn lived there as Hofkapellmeister under Esterházy patronage." The Eszterhazy Castle, seen below, was our first stop.
Today we left behind the big-city trappings of Vienna and discovered the small-country charm of Eisenstadt. The capital of Burgenland, one of the provinces of Austria, is a quaint city with many old buildings. Burgenland itself has a very mild climate and it is very well-known for its vineyards and rolling hills. We even found banana trees growing near the Castle garden! People can tour from vineyard to vineyard wine-tasting. We opted to skip that this time! ;-) Wikipedia describes Eisenstadt saying " It has a population of about 14,241 (2016). In the Habsburg Empire's Kingdom of Hungary, Kismarton (Eisenstadt) was the seat of the Eszterházy Hungarian noble family. The composer Joseph Haydn lived there as Hofkapellmeister under Esterházy patronage." The Eszterhazy Castle, seen below, was our first stop.
Die Josef Haydn Gasse ist eine alte und schöne Straße neben dem Schloss Esterhazy. Es war ein bisschen enttäuschend als wir Josef Hadyn Gasse 10 fanden und es keins der schönen alten Häuser war sondern ein altes verlassenes Haus.
The next 'field' or square on the playing board is 'Josef Haydn Gasse'. After the splendors of the castle this was a bit of a disappointment. Further down the road the old homes have small doorways, some with quite impressive wooden double doors (the first photo), but our stop, number 10, was simply run-down and unromantic. Ah well, we take what we get and we still managed some photos- even with the children being blinded by the sun! We explored a bit after that and found some lovely passageways, including the narrow one (below) by the church.
Wir holten uns zum Mittagessen asiatischen Nudel und Döner von zwei kleinen Ständen neben der Hauptstraße. Wir aßen unser Essen dann im Schlosspark das auf dem DKT Brett als Schlossgrund bezeichnet wurde. Ganz anders wie man sich einen Schlosspark bezeichnen würde. Ein Spielplatz, zwei Fußballtore, zwei Basketballkörbe und ein paar Bänke.
For lunch we splurged on Chinese Noodles and Döner kebap from two take-away shops near the main road. We ate in the Castle garden, finding there picnic tables and a great playground. This garden area is also on the DKT board, so we managed to tic that off too!
Das Bild das auf dem DKT Brett ist war etwas schwieriger zu finden.
We have also been looking for the right location to take a photo of each city to match the drawing on the playing board. The sketches are made of the historical city but we still managed to find it. This time it took some looking- from one side of the city to the other! We finally managed it, parking next to a vineyard.
Erst die dritte Position war die eigentliche Position. Nachher fuhren wir nach Wien zurück um ein letztes mal dort zu übernachten.
We then drove back to Vienna for ice cream and a chili dinner and for our last night in the city. Tomorrow we will continue with Graz and continue further west into Austria- to land on the doorstep of someone that we were at Bible School with. When we didn't have 5 kids! ;-) See you then!
The next 'field' or square on the playing board is 'Josef Haydn Gasse'. After the splendors of the castle this was a bit of a disappointment. Further down the road the old homes have small doorways, some with quite impressive wooden double doors (the first photo), but our stop, number 10, was simply run-down and unromantic. Ah well, we take what we get and we still managed some photos- even with the children being blinded by the sun! We explored a bit after that and found some lovely passageways, including the narrow one (below) by the church.
Wir holten uns zum Mittagessen asiatischen Nudel und Döner von zwei kleinen Ständen neben der Hauptstraße. Wir aßen unser Essen dann im Schlosspark das auf dem DKT Brett als Schlossgrund bezeichnet wurde. Ganz anders wie man sich einen Schlosspark bezeichnen würde. Ein Spielplatz, zwei Fußballtore, zwei Basketballkörbe und ein paar Bänke.
For lunch we splurged on Chinese Noodles and Döner kebap from two take-away shops near the main road. We ate in the Castle garden, finding there picnic tables and a great playground. This garden area is also on the DKT board, so we managed to tic that off too!
Das Bild das auf dem DKT Brett ist war etwas schwieriger zu finden.
We have also been looking for the right location to take a photo of each city to match the drawing on the playing board. The sketches are made of the historical city but we still managed to find it. This time it took some looking- from one side of the city to the other! We finally managed it, parking next to a vineyard.
Erst die dritte Position war die eigentliche Position. Nachher fuhren wir nach Wien zurück um ein letztes mal dort zu übernachten.
We then drove back to Vienna for ice cream and a chili dinner and for our last night in the city. Tomorrow we will continue with Graz and continue further west into Austria- to land on the doorstep of someone that we were at Bible School with. When we didn't have 5 kids! ;-) See you then!