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Sunday, August 17, 2014

We've Arrived!

Ohhhhhh JET LAG! But we've arrived. The drive straight through to the Airport was uneventful. We amazingly got all of our baggage checked- even if we were asked if we were selling car seats (why else would we have 5?).  Then we got to enjoy the luxuries of Air France. Wow. After years of flying Air Transat and Ryanair it was so lovely to have friendly service and food that we didn't have to pay extra for. We had to run a bit in Paris to make our connection but it was great. The best thing was that They fed the children first and then, while the kids were happily finishing their meals and watching their personal televisions, they served the adults- a hot meal with red wine and port included.  :-)  We had a bassinnette for Josiah and he slept for most of the flight. That was great except then he wasn't ready to sleep at night in Brockville. The other kids had hardly or hadn't slept on the plane and so they slept well and woke up at a normal time this morning. I, Cathy, however, went to bed at 0230 and got up again at 0400 with Josiah. Tomorrow I hope to upload the photos of Josiah with I at Tim Horton's at 0430. We drove around for a while and let the others sleep.  We survived a visit to church and then had a great lunch at Swiss Chalet (thanks Mum and Dad!).  The rest of our day was spent practicing fishing in the yard- casting really.  Now, since almost 7pm they are all asleep, and now Dominik is and so should I be. We will get better at this blogging and keep you all better updates! Good Night!



David and Lori Hurley said...

welcome back to Canada Vamos family. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks.

Unknown said...

Lots of fun. Keep the blog rolling, I will enjoy hearing about all your adventures!

Bedford_Millians said...

Welcome Vamos Family! You have arrived to a beautiful sunny morning -hope you can enjoy some of it. We are looking forward to following your trek across this beautiful country and back.

Anonymous said...

Schön von euch zu hören, freut uns, dass alles gut gegangen ist :)
Joan und ich waren die erste Nacht in eurer sehr leeeeeeeeren (und unnatürlich ruhigen ;) Wohnung - war wirklich seltsam ohne euch...nichtsdestotrotz haben wir Nachos gegessen und Downton Abby geschaut ^^
Joan vermisste die Kinder und will erst wieder in eure Wohnung kommen, wenn ihr wieder da seid! Außerdem ist er traurig, dass ihr seinen Geburtstag verpasst und ich sagte ihm, dass wir einfach alle Geburtstage nachholen werden, wenn ihr wieder da seid ;)
Viiiiiiiiel Spaß und gute Familienzeiten!
Dani und Joan

Cathy & Dominik said...

Danke Dani! Wir freuen uns euch wieder zu sehen...aber noch nicht! Wir werden alle Geburtstage gern mit euch wieder feiern!!! Ganz liebe grusse von uns alle. Cathy & co.