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Sunday, November 26, 2017

We made it to Canada!

It is amazing to think that we've been here in Canada for almost a week now!  Tuesday last week we made our way really early in the morning to the airport in Vienna, with a massive amount of luggage!  We were each allowed two checked bags, one carry-on item and then we had an extra bag for ski boots and three bags of skiis.  Enough?  And there we were met by some friends from Vienna and others who had driven there to see us off.  It was a really lovely time, seeing how well supported we were.  Especially with breakfast at Mc Donalds for 14 people!

Our first flight was uneventful, from Vienna to Istanbul.  Yes, I know that we flew in the opposite direction from Canada, but Turkish Airlines was the cheapest for this amount of luggage.  And really, compared to our western carriers, they still have a really luxurious service.   We had an hour to change flights there, and because of the kids we went relatively quickly through the extra security check.  Even though we hadn't left the secure area there is another check before you board a connecting flight.  One line for women and one for men.  Patted down, checked for residue on hands etc, and all electronics looked at.  The children got to sit to the side with the bulk of our luggage.  I just had my handbag and all of our jackets.  So, security is good but they didn't look at the bags that the kids had! ;-) 

This flight had in-flight entertainment for the entire 10 hours and 20 minutes of the flight.  It was all lovely.  Until.  UNTIL.......  About 4 hours or so before landing in Montreal Jonthan succummed to the virus that the other kids had already had.  He started vomitting.  And he continued even until after the plane had landed.  He looked so pale.  After de-boarding he felt a bit better, in the fresh air.   We went quickly through customs, they were really friendly, but then we had at least a half-hour wait in immigration.  This was the killer.  The kids were SO tired.  It about 1:30 in the morning in Austria and we were all feeling it.  Finally Dominik was welcomed to Canada and we gathered our luggage (5 trolleys full) and left.  Our lovely friends Peter and Shelley came to meet us with the vans of my parents and we headed home to Grandma and Grandpa. Our trip from home in Austria until we reached Grandma and Grandpa´s took 25 hours and 15 minutes.

The first day the kids actually weren't awake at 4am as expected, except Josiah, and we made our way for our traditional First Canadian Breakfast at Tim Horton's (courtesy of the Jugend Team!  Thank you! (Dominik's co-workers)) at around 8 am.  We have been gradually adjusting to the time difference and now, 5 days in, we have pretty much conquered it.

We have spent this first week making lists of things to do and we've been running around getting our banking, driver's licences, health cards etc in order.  On top of that we are now starting to look at properties which are for sale.  So long as the snow holds off we can look around!  But today it has been snowing- at least this evening.  The kids were really interested to watch some of the Grey Cup on television tonight.  The game was played in Ottawa and it was played in the snow!  Yesterday they experienced some of 'Hockey Night in Canada' and today watched some of a replay of the game.  Gradually they'll sort out which teams play what and who to cheer for.  Jeremiah is the one most interested and he is very concerned that he is able to do training every day.  It's good that my parents have a treadmill and some hand weights to keep him occupied.

So, that's what we've been doing.  I'll give you a few impressions of our first few days being back in Canada. These aren't criticisms.....but comparisons.   I've lived for the last 14 years in Austria and although I was in Calgary for a few days in January of this year, it has been over 3 years since I spent any time here at all.  Coming back here is a stark contrast to the state of things in Austria and in most of Europe.  Some houses here are in such bad repair, and we've seen a few cars which I'm amazed are still on the road. One was so rusty, sorry - no photo, I've no idea how it is still holding together!  We don't see them like that in Europe just because the regulations are so strict.  In Brockville it seems as though the average age of people here is about 70 years old.  SO many pensioners! And they congregate in Tim Horton's.   People are very friendly here...much more open than in Austria.  I was going into a store and a total stranger turned and smiled and asked me if I had seen the spectacular sunset.  Yes, he was a pensioner too!  The children have noticed how people are more chatty generally, and more friendly.  But we also notice that, although food is in abundance, there isn't half as much organic food on offer.  And, most shocking, there is sugar in the table salt!  WHY???  I didn't realise this before.  Or maybe it wasn't there when I last lived here. No idea.  But these things we do miss from home.  What IS wonderful is all the Christmas music and Christmas displays that we see everywhere.  The kids were most excited to see a Christmassy Darth Vader with a light sabre- at Canadian Tire of course!

But we're adjusting and as we figure out where we should/will be settling, then we can sort all these things out ourselves.  We've found a few good online organic shops (salt is at the top of the list!), and we know that we will keep our home well....and our car.  Dominik has already bought some tools in the Black Friday sales so we're prepared to do anything!

I'll post more photos next time.....and I'll see if maybe Jonathan can do some translation into German tomorrow.  I'm sure that I can't manage that tonight!  (he's better anyway! :-)).   Thanks for following us on our journey- it is only just beginning!


Das Haus am See said...

So glad to hear from you!
About that stomach bug...Elias was at home on friday, Timon is at home today...
Sugar in table salt? Interesting, and challenging!
I look forward to more comparisons, and what living in Canada is like!
Around here christmas season officially started, we enjoyed the first cup of punsch at the DIG christmas market last friday and I´m going to decorate tomorrow!

We hope and pray transition goes well and that you will find a property soon!

Anonymous said...

So schön, zu hören, dass ihr alle gut "gelandet" seid! Ich wünsche Euch Gottes Segen und Seine Führung bei all den Dingen, die jetzt so als nächstes anstehen! Ja, das kann ich mir vorstellen, dass die Leute in Kanada viel freundlicher sind als hier bei uns!!!
Miss you und freu' mich von euch zu hören