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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Syrup Update

I am so sorry that we have not posted a blog in such a long time. It has been well over a month. But now we have finally got another blog and a video. 
I already wrote a blog about the sap and everything, but did not say anthing about boiling. I stopped with drinking sap. A nice slightly sweet taste. But now to boiling.
Almost everyone, (I have not heard otherwise) boils the sap over a fire. In a video about boiling syrup, somebody said you could do it with propane, but be warned, it will get expensive. We boiled the sap over a fire. Who would do otherwise, when there are trees and brush and wood waiting to be chopped up or burned? Because maple sap has only got a sugar content of about 2% it takes a long time to boil. Since 40 litres of sap equal 1 litre of syrup there is a sugarcontent of about 66% in maple syrup. The boiling is not that exciting, because you mostly just make sure that the fire is really going, so without further a do, we present a video about making maple syrup.

Why was it a bad season? At first the temperature would not go above 0 degrees Celsius, later it did not go under 0 to drive the sap back down the tree. 
We hope you liked the video and will hopefully be posting another blog about sports and summer activities soon.
Have a great week!!!


1 comment:

Julie said...

Great Video.Wow!