Now, you all probably know that Dominik and Jonathan left on July 3 for Austria. Dominik was back to work for a month to work at two camps at Schloss Klaus- Teen Week and the Ten English Days (TED). We LOVE these camps and usually the kids and I just run along with them throughout the summer. It was odd to be left behind on this one. But it was important that he go and Jonathan was able to camp at both.
I added this photo of Dominik and Kerstin just because I love it! They are a fantastic duo for planning fun and evangelistic youth events. One of my best friends and my husband. Love 'em both!!! |
So, what do you do with four kids to keep them occupied and not thinking about what they are missing for the almost five weeks that the boys are gone? Well, my answer was ACTIVITY! Lots and lots of things to do. This involved road trips. I wrote last time about our trip to Michigan via St. Jacob's, and about the girls going to a horse-riding camp at Circle Square Ranch in Arden, ON. Well, I picked the girls up on a Saturday and at 5:35 am on the Monday we were off, on the road to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I had lived in the Soo from the time I was 10 until I was 16 and there is one friend that we try to visit every time we're in Canada.
The long road north- Highway 17. The Trans-Canada. |
The drive up was LONG but uneventful. Despite there being fires burning in many places in Ontario and the road having been closed the week before, we got through without incident. We did smell smoke once but didn't see anything of note. We did quite a few stops in the morning- tea, toilet, coffee, toilet, gas, toilet! You get the picture. We managed to stop for lunch in Espanola and have a slightly longer break there. That was around 2pm.
Me and my GIANT Norwex travel mug! Thanks Boss for the prize! ;-) |
Lunch and a break in Espanola. |
We have the Jonathan Park children's Christian radio series and we managed to get through an entire series on the journey north! This really helped to pass the time well. That and singing Rend Collective really louldy together! :-) We don't generally use tablets or electronics to entertain the kids. We have one tablet that they shard to play a few games, but the time allowed is really limited. The kids are used to this and did really well on the drive. We rolled into Lori's in Goulais River at about 1/4 to 5pm. The kids were thrilled to be out of the car and running around, as was I! Dominik encouraged me to take the kids up and to have a good visit with Lori. Her kids have grown up now (I'm a late starter there! ;-)) and now she has chickens and goats and turkeys to look after. Plus the two dogs and a cat. To top that off, two of her goats were pregnant! One was sure to deliver any day. We were so hoping that it would be while we were there. This was a fantastic place for us to visit! Not only to be able to catch up with someone that I've known for a long time, but we were able to ask questions and to learn a bit about keeping these animals. As we are hoping to get a homestead going ourselves- when we finally find land!- we will need this information!
3 Goats in a pen. |
The roll of the eyes! |
Meat chickens. |
Josiah trying to pet a Silkie. |
On Tuesday we went into my friend's workplace and saw how lenses are cut for glasses, and how they are fitted into frames. The kids found that really interesting. Then, after a pizza lunch (there is great pizza in the Soo, owing to the migration of many Italians there after the last war- or so I'm told! ;-)), we picked up another high-school friend and took the kids to the park. They played and we caught up. We also drove by two of the streets where I used to live when I was a teenager. I found that really interesting. It has been a lot of years since I had seen either house and I don't know if a lot has changed or if I just rememer it differently. And.....Lily the goat did not deliver her kids on this day, but she was looking very FULL!
Lori, Ruth and I. |
Bellevue Park Traffic |
While we were in Austria Rebecca started writing to a girl in Lori's church and on Wednesday these pen-pals were able to meet! She and her Mum and one older sister came by for a few hours and we had fun making new friends. All too soon it was time for them to go back- they have animals to take care off too- but now the girls will be better able to write each other having met. And again, no baby goats this day.
Pen pals and a game of Life! |
The last full day of our visit was just a relaxing day at the house. The kids were able to do a craft which Lori and her husband had organised for their church's Vacation Bible School- and it was quite the craft! They made a bulliten/chalk board! The frames were assembled but the kids had to paint and decorate them and put the cork on the board. Jeremiah and Elena worked together and Rebecca with Josiah. They really enjoyed this and now we have a permanent reminder of this visit to our friends!
Happy campers! |
Coincidentally, friends of ours from Brockville were heading out west to Calgary and had planned to be stopping to camp just 40 minutes away from where we were staying. We invited them to drop by for a quick visit- more for the novelty of seeing them there than anything else. In the end it WAS a very short visit but they had a little tour of Lori's animals too. This was great because Niki also would love to have a homestead- she is a step or two ahead of us as she already has chickens. It was almost like a petting zoo for the kids. Loir also has three really different-looking chickens. They are Silkies and they are SO fluffy! They look like they are wearing little furry, Russian hats on their heads. The children really enjoyed holding them. The kids all ran around together, which I'm sure was a good thing before they got back in the car and before we got ready for an early bedtime. The children looked in on the goats, but neither Lily nor Rosie were looking like delivering. Again.
Eastern Ontario travellers. |
Girly chicks. |
Josiah and the Silkie. |
Lori's educational chicken time. |
The lovely Silkie. |
The next day, Friday, we rose early and had to drive home. Lori was sending her meat chickens off to the butcher that day, so after they were packed up we packed ourselves into the car and bid them good-bye. But with warm butterscotch-chocolate chip muffins to ease us on our way! Thank you friend!
70,000km going 70 kmh! :-) |
We had another uneventful, 11 1/2 hour drive back to Eastern Ontario. It actually felt pretty quick that time! I checked our messaged when we arrived and....Lily was in labour! It looked as though she had waited for us to leave town before she delivered. Hours later she brought three lovely kids into the world. So of course Jeremiah asked if we could go back to see the baby goats- but I said no. It might have seemed faster but it wasn't THAT quick! It was definitely time for a rest from driving and running around. Now it was time to start getting ready for Daddy and Jonathan to return to us!!! And so we have. Our visits north are always relaxing, educational and edifying. They leave me with good memories and make me want to plan for another visit. :-)
Since then I've been pressure canning some food (not a good thing to do when you're tired and haven't done it in a while. HOW MANY things can go wrong in one evening???) and I sorted out my garden. I had bean vine which were growing wildly but weren't producing anything, so they're now out. I moved some horrible strawberry plants- no the berries really weren't very nice, and made a space for my herbs which were completely overshadowed by a run-away cucumber vine. Yes, I did plant too much in the garden this year. I have only one raised bed to work with. But now at least it's looking better and I'm learning. I hope that by next year I'll have an actual field to plant in! Because homesteading without a home just doesn't work very well. ;-)
Thank you for stopping by and reading our page! I love seeing that we have people who have read our page in Africa or Russia or South America. Have a good week and God Bless!
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