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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Die Seilbahn und Bregenz

Am Mittwoch fuhren wir erst mal mit einer Seilbahn den Kreuzjoch hoch. Eine Gondelfahrt die nicht in Hinterstoder war. Bei der Bergstation gingen wir zu einem Gipfelkreuz.

On the Wednesday we decided to take advantage of a free local ticket and we rode the gondola (the Alpine kind- not the Venetian kind! ;-)) to the top of the Kreuzjoch.  It was a two-part gondola where we just ignored the open doors the middle station and continued on (the doors closed again) to the top.  The mountain peak is at 2 558m and we walked from the gondola end-station up to the cross on the top of the nearest peak.  The view was amazing!  The Kreuzjoch is the highest peak in the Kitzbühl Alps in Tirol.  This was lovely and relaxing start to what would become a very long day.

Weil die Seilbahn das Feld 14 ist wollten wir ein Foto mit der Gondel Nummer 14 machen. Fast Vergeblich warteten wir zwanzig Minuten bis die Nummer 14 Endlich kam.

Because the gondola (Seilbahn) on the DKT playing board is Field number 14, we decided to wait for car number 14 to take the trip back down the mountain.  This did involve some patience, but it paid off in the end!  Finally, in the parking lot at the bottom, we were about to drive away when we noticed a gorgeous car from Belgium with a DKT licence plate!  We had to take a photo. :-)

Unten angekommen ging unsere Reise nach Bregenz weiter. Eine alte schöne Stadt mit Häusern des 15. Jahrhunderts. Unser erster Stopp war Amtsplatz 2.

After a drive of about 2.5 hours we continued our tour in the quaint city of Bregenz.  It lies at the far eastern end of Lake Constance (Bodensee), in the far western Austrian province of Vorarlberg. Our first stop was Amtsplatz 2.  The old part of the city, where our locations were, was beautiful and the buildings mostly looked as though they dated from the 15th and 16th centuries.  The cobbled narrow streets and little passages made our search even more enjoyable.

 Danach gingen wir zur Rathausstraße 40.

Our next stop was on Rathausstraße 40.  It was almost down at the waterfront, not far from the main square.

Unser nächster Stopp war das Bild. Ein Foto vom Bodensee mit einer Brücke und Bregenz im Hintergrund. Leider wurde das Bild von einem Hügel gemacht wo wir nicht hoch fahren konnten. Die meisten werden wissen was das besondere am Bodensee ist. Man kann von überall auf dem See Österreich, Deutschland, und die Schweiz sehen.

We then, as in the other cities, tried to take a picture copying the sketch of the city on the playing board.  This wasn't easy.  The sketch shows a picture of Bregenz in the distance, with the lake in the foreground and a bridge towards the city.  We drove along the lakeshore, hoping for a good view but found none.  Maybe if we had had a drone.....  But it was nice at the lake, especially with a view of Austria, Germany and Switzerland all in one!

Mit dem Bild fertig machten wir eine letzten Stopp bevor wir wegfuhren. Die Arlbergsstraße.

Now for our last stop.  Arlbergstraße.  Again, it was a situation of a street number which didn't exist.  But we did our best and headed out.  Because we hadn't found a cheap place to stay that night and friends had other company visiting and couldn't have us to visit, we headed back to Regau- Dominik's parents.  We arrived there just before midnight.  From there the next day we would visit our last city- Salzburg!

Nun, da wir Bregenz fertig besuchten fuhren wir zu unseren Großeltern. Am nächsten Tag geht es nach Salzburg. Unsere letzte Stadt.

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