The next morning, after a fortifying breakfast, we made our way to Salzburg- via Attersee. There we visited 'Tee am See', an organic tea shop with hundreds of option of loose tea to buy. The shop is owned by one of Dominik's foster brothers- one that he hadn't seen in a very long time. We had a nice visit, were given some Earl Grey (thank you- we've always loved it!), and made our way to Salzburg in time for lunch.
The first thing we found after parking is what many tourists find- Mirabell Palace and gardens. It was here that a portion of 'The Sound of Music' was filmed and it is a favourite spot for photos. Here is a photo of the kids in the garden at Mirabell Palace.
Unser nächster Stopp war auf dem Universitätsplatz. In einer Seitengasse zwischen dem Universitätsplatz und der Getreidegasse aßen wir um ca. 2:00 Mittagessen. Originale Salzburger Bosna vom echten Balkan Grill. ;-) ;-) ;-)
It was lunch time and we had decided that we would get a Bosna. This is a special sausage on a bun with onions, curry powder, ketchup and mayo. Usually. We didn't want to walk back but keep going so instead of going to the closest sausage stand, we kept heading downtown. I (Cathy) was sure that there were sausage stands all over Salzburg. That was my memory. Too bad it wasn't right. We looked as we searched for the other DKT highlights. Finally, at about 2pm we found the 'Original Salzburg Bosna' in a little alley off of....... The bosna there were slightly different from what we are used to but at that point we were just happy to eat! During this time we also managed to find our fields.
Auch wenn die Getreidegasse aus komischen Gründen nicht auf dem DKT-Brett ist besuchten wir sie trotzdem. Für die die nicht in Musik aufgepasst haben ( ;-) ) erklär ich es jetzt. Dort wurde Mozart geboren. Getreidegassen 9 im dritten Stock. Das Bild holten wir als nächstes.
For some reason there isn't anything about Mozart on the DKT board, but we still decided to visit his birthplace. At Getreidegasse 9 you find Mozart's birthplace. The dark yellow house is easy to find and is well-visited by tourists.
Leider gibt es heute in Salzburg keine Westbahnstraße. Aber es soll mal eine Westbahnstraße gegeben haben. Heute steht stattdessen die Rainerstraße.
There isn't a Westbahnstraße any more in Salzburg. They changed it to Rainerstraße in 1932. So, we took our photos here instead.
In Salzburg gibt es heute keine Westbahnstraße. Aber weil wir Feld 18, die elektrische Eisenbahn, Wien-Innsbruck machen mussten fuhren wir nachher mit der Westbahn. Wir fuhren von Salzburg nach Attnang-Puchheim. Wieder nur ein Teil der Strecke.
But, even though we didn't find a Westbahnstraße we did take a trip on the Westbahn train! Field 18 is a journey between Innsbruck and Vienna with an electric train. We travelled a portion of this between Salzburg and Attnung-Puchheim.
Also, das war Salzburg. Unsere letzte Stadt. War das schon unsere DKT-Reise? Noch nicht. Es fehlen ja noch zwei Felder. Könnt ihr erraten welche?
So, that was Salzburg! Our last city. Is that the end of our tour? Not yet! There are two fields still to go. Can anyone guess which?
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